TBC Calvert

Sunday School
9:00am - 10:00am

Worship Service 
10:30am - 12:00pm

Home Group Bible Study
Thursday 6:30pm

A branch location of the
 Truth Bible Church that's
located in St. Mary's county

Crawl, Walk, Run, PLANT!


On September 10th, 2023 Truth Bible Church in St. Mary’s County began to crawl in terms of church planting by starting an additional 9:00a service at its new Calvert Campus that God in His amazing grace provided along with (and most importantly) the 13 families who committed together for one year no matter the results to form and launch Truth Bible Church Calvert for God’s gospel and glory.


While currently we are still one church with a 9:00a Calvert Campus worship service and a 11:00a St. Mary’s Campus (King’s Christian Academy) worship service, our church planting goal is based on Acts 1:8 and is to hopefully soon walk by adding Bible studies/Sunday School classes and mid-week home groups in addition to the one Calvert fellowship/home group near Calvert Nuclear Plant that is already thriving in Calvert county.


Then, Lord willing, we will run by hiring a full time campus Pastor and add more ministries such as youth, men’s, women’s, and additional children’s ministries like Awana or VBS at the Calvert location.


Eventually, in God’s timing we want to complete the church plant process when the Calvert Campus grows to support its own full time and seminary trained Lead Pastor (currently Pastor Chad and the TBC St. Mary’s Elders preach live at both locations because pixels/screens can’t know you or pray for you, best disciple or counsel you, or adequately equip or shepherd you towards Christian maturity as the Bible commands Pastors in Ephesians 4:11-16, Colossians 1:28-29, and Hebrews 5:12-6:2 to spiritually be shepherds who mend, tend, fend, and send their sheep/people), raises up its own plurality of Elders and Deacons, and becomes financially independent so that it is finally ready to be its own independent and autonomous local church serving Calvert County.
The ultimate goal of TBC is not only for our people to spiritually multiply/spiritually reproduce by seeing new people saved, baptized, and become faithful members in Bible believing, teaching, and obeying churches, but that each church TBC plants will also multiply by seeking God’s blessing, power,  and in His timetable to one day become a sending church who plants additional churches that are faithful to LEARNING the Bible and LIVING out the Bible (or as the TBC mission statement also summarizes from the Great Commandment in Matthew 22:37-39 and the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20…”Followers of Jesus seeking to love God supremely, serve one another sincerely, and reach the lost urgently!”)

For this phase of its life, TBC Calvert is linking some of their extra ministries with the KCA location


Children 3yrs-5th grade come and learn God's word

Youth Group

6th-12th graders learn how to live more like Jesus

Home Group

Weekly home meetings of the church body

Calvert Campus

2400 Solomons Island Rd S
Prince Frederick, MD 20678