"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."
1 Timothy 4:12
Sunday Mornings:
Our Youth Sunday School meets Sunday Mornings
Sunday Evenings:
Both locations Youth Group meets Sunday evenings
@ King's Christian Academy
6-7:30p - school year
5:30p-6:00p - open gym
6-8:00p - summer

Our Mission for all of TBC Youth
1) Hear the Gospel - to be saved/having full assurance of salvation and enjoying a real interactive and deepening relationship with Jesus,
2) Learn the Bible - to be discipled/mentored and growing in their faith as they learn and live out/apply the Bible,
3) Build Christian Friendships - to enjoy Christian friendship and fellowship/finding their closest friends and real community within the church among believers who are a positive influence.
4) Grow in Grace – specifically to improve family life – helping youth grow in their love, respect, and obedience/submission to parents as well being a tool in parents hands to supplement their evangelism and discipleship of their children so that the youth ministry is coming alongside parents in their God-given mission to teach and model true authentic Christianity.
5) Share their Faith - Overall, to pass on the one true faith (Biblical Christianity) to the next generation so that they become committed Jesus followers, live holy, righteous, and godly lives, become good, conscientious, and contributing citizens, marry in the faith with purity, and raise godly children themselves to that the church not only is sustains but expands to reach more and more people and every tribe, tongue, and nation as Jesus’ commands (Mt. 28:18-20).
2) Learn the Bible - to be discipled/mentored and growing in their faith as they learn and live out/apply the Bible,
3) Build Christian Friendships - to enjoy Christian friendship and fellowship/finding their closest friends and real community within the church among believers who are a positive influence.
4) Grow in Grace – specifically to improve family life – helping youth grow in their love, respect, and obedience/submission to parents as well being a tool in parents hands to supplement their evangelism and discipleship of their children so that the youth ministry is coming alongside parents in their God-given mission to teach and model true authentic Christianity.
5) Share their Faith - Overall, to pass on the one true faith (Biblical Christianity) to the next generation so that they become committed Jesus followers, live holy, righteous, and godly lives, become good, conscientious, and contributing citizens, marry in the faith with purity, and raise godly children themselves to that the church not only is sustains but expands to reach more and more people and every tribe, tongue, and nation as Jesus’ commands (Mt. 28:18-20).